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Indexation; Its benefits and disadvantages for the realty segment and you. 

By Shravan Gupta.


Delhi: It is everyone’s dream to own a home. But it has several implications as well. Indexation is a method to calculate the long- and short-term capital gain tax while selling off the immovable or ancestral property. ancestral property. In the Indian context, Indexation can lower or boost your Income tax. The trend of new home sales has been on the rise since 2023 and is continuing in the same direction. With Indexation, it is possible to calculate your capital gain tax. It also allows you to adjust the buying cost and set your budget.

Some feel 2024 is largely a seller’s market as the house sale ratio is high. People want to invest in better homes but it becomes vital to know about the indexation. Shravan Gupta, MGF Group feel it is due to people’s willingness to invest in a new home. Indexation is used to adjust the price of a property in tandem with the current inflationary levels. Indexation benefits play a major role in judging and filing your overall tax return.


Benefits of Indexation for property sellers- It is the right place to know about the indexation benefits and reap dividends. A uniformed approach will help in tax saving and fulfill your dream of a new home.



Real estate experts feel Indexation has its benefits as well as disadvantages. In the current scenario, Indexation has proven beneficial. But this is bound to change with the new tax regime. Shravan Gupta, MGF Group believes it is right to continue with Indexation benefits for property sellers. This may come as a boon for people selling their homes in 2024. Some major benefits of the indexation are:


Price Adjustment: It is common knowledge that property selling attracts the capital gain tax. However, Indexation allows you to adjust the property price according to the current inflation rates. Hence, one may hike or lower the price. But this benefit may change under the new tax regime. Some experts believe the Government may slash the indexation charges. Real estate experts feel it is still possible to avail indexation tax benefits. But only in the scenario, when one sells the house and invests in another property. It is possible to lessen your tax burden.

According to the latest information, the government has eased the burden on the taxpayers for the real estate long-term capital gain. It is a good move that allows the taxpayer to choose between the two taxes while selling the property. However, it is limited to a certain period and is not applicable for the current year. Shravan Gupta, MGF Group feels this will ease the burden of people who wish to own their inherited property.


Less tax payment: This is a good way to lessen your tax burden. In case you don’t want to buy a property. Finance experts say it is best to keep the funds from house sales in the FD and Mutual Funds that lessen your tax burden. This not only saves taxes but also gives a regular dividend income. Hence it is best to consult before buying a new flat. The funds from the house sale can be invested in Real estate funds for the 3 years to avail of the tax benefit.


Buying and selling a property has become a common phenomenon in 2024. It is best to consider these facts and decide the best route to save Indexation on the property sale. Some experts say the real estate market is stagnant in cities like Mumbai, Delhi and Bengaluru. Now is the right time to invest in a new property as prices may increase or dip in the future.



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